The DataFrames.jl mini-language just clicked

I use DataFrames.jl all the time. It's incredibly well engineered, well-tested, and fast! But there's one aspect that's eluded me for a while, and that's the "mini-language" that's used for transformations and combineing grouped DataFrames. I could use it for basic stuff, but for anything even moderately complicated, I'd have to puzzle over the documentation and then go through endless rounds of trial and error.

This blog post by the primary architect of DataFrames.jl covers everything I'm about to say comprehensively - I've read it several times, and it is very clear.

But something just clicked for me in a way it never has before - not sure entirely how, but I did something complicated in one go! So I thought I'd share the way it makes sense to me in case there are others with similar brains to mine ๐Ÿ˜‰. Before I get to that, I should say a few things about DataFrames, GroupedDataFrames, and the basic select(), transform(), and combine() invocations.

The easy stuff

One of the more powerful features of DataFrames.jl is the ability to make a GroupedDataFrame using one or more columns as "keys". Each subgroup is then just a view into the original DataFrame, but acts like a DataFrame in its own right.

So to set this up, let's make a df that's similar to what I've been working with recently - a table of metadata about individual patient visits Each subject may come in multiple times, and get a few different things measured. In my case, I'm most interested in visits where the subjects collected a stool sample that I have microbiome data for.

julia> df = DataFrame(
           subject = repeat(1:3; inner = 4),
           timepoint = repeat(1:4; outer = 3),
           thing1 = rand(12),
           thing2 = rand(60:100, 12),
           sample = [missing, missing, "s1", "s2", "s10", missing, "s13", "s20", missing, missing, missing, missing]
12ร—5 DataFrame
 Row โ”‚ subject  timepoint  thing1    thing2  sample
     โ”‚ Int64    Int64      Float64   Int64   String?
   1 โ”‚       1          1  0.514054      90  missing
   2 โ”‚       1          2  0.778417      60  missing
   3 โ”‚       1          3  0.157212      91  s1
   4 โ”‚       1          4  0.27137       69  s2
   5 โ”‚       2          1  0.867191      67  s10
   6 โ”‚       2          2  0.254406      78  missing
   7 โ”‚       2          3  0.925755      77  s13
   8 โ”‚       2          4  0.060332      87  s20
   9 โ”‚       3          1  0.9863        81  missing
  10 โ”‚       3          2  0.183848      98  missing
  11 โ”‚       3          3  0.190012      77  missing
  12 โ”‚       3          4  0.300867      71  missing

Often we want to get summaries on a per-subject basis, or do other things within just the samples. Using groupby and combine, this is quite easy.

julia> gdf = groupby(df, :subject);

julia> combine(gdf,
           "thing1" => mean,
           "thing2" => median,
           "sample" => (col -> any(!ismissing, col)) => "has_sample"
3ร—4 DataFrame
 Row โ”‚ subject  thing1_mean  thing2_median  has_sample
     โ”‚ Int64    Float64      Float64        Bool
   1 โ”‚       1     0.430263           79.5        true
   2 โ”‚       2     0.526921           77.5        true
   3 โ”‚       3     0.415257           79.0       false

The "mini-language" is the bits with =>. Each operation works on columns, so "thing1" => mean returns mean(subdf.thing1) for each of the SubDataFrames (I could also have done "thing1" => mean => "other name" to change the name of the resulting column).

My operation on "sample" doesn't have a built-in function to apply, but using "anonymous" functions is pretty straightforward in this context - just remember that you're function argument is the column (as a vector). That is, writing (col -> any(!ismissing, col)) as above is equivalent to writing a named function that takes one column as an argument, eg:

julia> function has_sample(col)
           # any elements of the column are not missing
           return any(!ismissing, col)
has_sample (generic function with 1 method)

julia> combine(gdf, "sample" => has_sample => "has_sample")
3ร—2 DataFrame
 Row โ”‚ subject  has_sample
     โ”‚ Int64    Bool
   1 โ”‚       1        true
   2 โ”‚       2        true
   3 โ”‚       3       false

Another thing I do frequently is some per-column transformations. To be consistent, transform operations also work on whole-columns. Most of the time, I want to do things with transform() on individual rows, but happily there's a conventient ByRow() constructor that makes this easy, and having access to the whole column can sometimes be useful. For example, if I want to get the "relative abundance" (or total sum scaled result):

julia> transform(gdf,
           "thing1" => ByRow(x-> x*100) => "thing1_perc",
           "thing2" => (col-> map(el-> el / sum(col), col)) => "thing2_tss" # total sum scale
12ร—7 DataFrame
 Row โ”‚ subject  timepoint  thing1    thing2  sample   thing1_perc  thing2_tss
     โ”‚ Int64    Int64      Float64   Int64   String?  Float64      Float64
   1 โ”‚       1          1  0.514054      90  missing      51.4054    0.290323
   2 โ”‚       1          2  0.778417      60  missing      77.8417    0.193548
   3 โ”‚       1          3  0.157212      91  s1           15.7212    0.293548
   4 โ”‚       1          4  0.27137       69  s2           27.137     0.222581
   5 โ”‚       2          1  0.867191      67  s10          86.7191    0.216828
   6 โ”‚       2          2  0.254406      78  missing      25.4406    0.252427
   7 โ”‚       2          3  0.925755      77  s13          92.5755    0.249191
   8 โ”‚       2          4  0.060332      87  s20           6.0332    0.281553
   9 โ”‚       3          1  0.9863        81  missing      98.63      0.247706
  10 โ”‚       3          2  0.183848      98  missing      18.3848    0.299694
  11 โ”‚       3          3  0.190012      77  missing      19.0012    0.235474
  12 โ”‚       3          4  0.300867      71  missing      30.0867    0.217125

Getting complicated

OK, so I think that stuff is pretty straightforward, but what if we want to do something more complicated, maybe involving more than one column and their interactions? For example, one thing I wanted to do recently was to check a future value for a given stool sample. For example, I want

  1. If a timepoint doesn't have a stool sample, ignore
  2. Otherwise, find the next timepoint that has thing1 and use that value (even if that timepoint doesn't have a stool sample), BUT
  3. my timepoints aren't guaranteed to be in order, AND
  4. I'm not guaranteed to have a measurement in the future, or it may not be the next timepoint.

So let's show off some of those complications a bit:

julia> df.thing1 = [rand() < 0.4 ? missing : x for x in df.thing1];

julia> df = df[randperm(12), :];

julia> gdf = groupby(df, :subject)
GroupedDataFrame with 3 groups based on key: subject
First Group (4 rows): subject = 1
 Row โ”‚ subject  timepoint  thing1          thing2  sample
     โ”‚ Int64    Int64      Float64?        Int64   String?
   1 โ”‚       1          4  missing             69  s2
   2 โ”‚       1          1  missing             90  missing
   3 โ”‚       1          3        0.157212      91  s1
   4 โ”‚       1          2  missing             60  missing
Last Group (4 rows): subject = 3
 Row โ”‚ subject  timepoint  thing1          thing2  sample
     โ”‚ Int64    Int64      Float64?        Int64   String?
   1 โ”‚       3          2  missing             98  missing
   2 โ”‚       3          1        0.9863        81  missing
   3 โ”‚       3          3        0.190012      77  missing
   4 โ”‚       3          4        0.300867      71  missing

To make this work, we need to know about the AsTable() modifier for transform, which gives us a NamedTuple to work with for each group, where each key contains a column. That is AsTable("timepoint", "thing1", "sample") will effectively give us

julia> (; timepoint = gdf[1].timepoint, thing1 = gdf[1].thing1, sample = gdf[1].sample)
(timepoint = [4, 1, 3, 2], thing1 = Union{Missing, Float64}[missing, missing, 0.15721238855765696, missing], sample = Union{Missing, String}["s2", missing, "s1", missing])

Two more things to be aware of: first, for complicated anonymous functions, we can use begin .. end syntax to make things more manageable, even within another function. That is:

args -> begin
    # function body

and second, our result needs to be a vector or another Table-compatible object (like a Namedtuple with columns) that has the same length as the original.

We these things in mind, check this out... I didn't get it on the first try, but it was close..

julia> transform!(gdf, AsTable(["timepoint", "thing1", "sample"]) => nt -> begin
           futures = map(eachindex(nt.timepoint)) do i # loop through row indexes
               timepoint = nt.timepoint
               srt = sortperm(timepoint) # so we can get the right order
               sample = nt.sample
               thing1 = nt.thing1

               ismissing(sample[i]) && return missing # (1) if there's no sample, ignore
               fidx = findfirst(j -> timepoint[srt][j] > timepoint[i] && # Checks the sorted timepoint index to make sure it's bigger
                                     !ismissing(thing1[srt][j]), # checks that `thing1` (sorted by timepoint) has a value
                                eachindex(timepoint) # using indexes in case samples are something like [1,3,4,6]
               isnothing(fidx) && return missing
               return thing1[srt][fidx]
           return futures
       end => "future_thing1");

julia> sort(df, ["subject", "timepoint"]) # just to check
12ร—6 DataFrame
 Row โ”‚ subject  timepoint  thing1          thing2  sample   timepoint_thing1_sample_function
     โ”‚ Int64    Int64      Float64?        Int64   String?  Float64?
   1 โ”‚       1          1  missing             90  missing                    missing
   2 โ”‚       1          2  missing             60  missing                    missing
   3 โ”‚       1          3        0.157212      91  s1                         missing
   4 โ”‚       1          4  missing             69  s2                         missing
   5 โ”‚       2          1  missing             67  s10                              0.925755
   6 โ”‚       2          2  missing             78  missing                    missing
   7 โ”‚       2          3        0.925755      77  s13                              0.060332
   8 โ”‚       2          4        0.060332      87  s20                        missing
   9 โ”‚       3          1        0.9863        81  missing                    missing
  10 โ”‚       3          2  missing             98  missing                    missing
  11 โ”‚       3          3        0.190012      77  missing                    missing
  12 โ”‚       3          4        0.300867      71  missing                    missing

We ca see that row 5 (; subject = 2, timepoint = 1) correctly gets its future score from timepoint 3 (row 7) since timepoint 2 didn't have a score, Subjects 1 and 3 don't have any stool samples with a valid future thing1.

This feels complicated, but honestly, it's way easier than a number of other things I tried, more robust, and faster too! It takes a bit of thinking functionally, and one needs to remember the business with NamedTuples, but after that, it's actually straightforward... famous last words!